Thursday, May 20, 2021

Heart Friends

Every year since Josie has started school in K5, I have told her that she could take one hooky day per year. (Or is hookie?!🤷‍♀️). Since I am not an early morning person I often ask her, “ Is today the day that we just stay in bed and not do things?!”  She immediately hops out of bed because there is NOT a chance that she will miss life. (Yes, don’t bother judging my parenting😆). 

But her best friend is moving away long distance on Saturday, so late Tuesday night, I asked, “would you want to do an impromptu sleepover and take a hooky day and spend it with Ava?”   Shrieks of delight!!

You see Ava has been our sweet miracle for years. She was there when we walked into our house when coming home from 🇨🇳.  Glen’s home became our second home, hanging out for the day on Sundays after church till evening, campfires, Christmas Eve traditions, music, and just staring into the beauty of the woods while the kids run carefree. A place where we are just us.. the good, the bad, the messy.  We have spend hours upon hours laughing, hearts talking, and crying together. Their friendship has been and IS truly priceless. 
 I had prayed while Gary and I was waiting for our daughter that God would grant us a special friend for her. In my dreams, I dreamed my best friend and I would have girls together, but I NEVER believed that it could actually happen. God is truly amazing in answering prayers in unexpected ways. 
God had big plans for them and we will never stand in the way of Him. But it is hard to let them go. ❤️❤️