Sunday, August 7, 2016

Aug 2016

I need tips on little girl hair combing. Oh my stars. It is so matted in the back EVERY single morning. Even with conditioner and detangler. Along with the tears... It's kinda like trying to comb a mane while the horse is jumping hurdles in a entire field of cactus. And I used to dream of combing my little girls hair. Apparently the dreams were WAY unrealistic. 
Oh and btw, I totally trusted her with her scissors up to today. But nope, trusting is overrated. She hacked off the front because "it was in her way, and couldn't see". She even threw the hair away in the trash. Hmmm. 

One of her favorite phrases is "you have to get over and do it anyways". It is quoted back to me, anytime I say that I don't want to do something. Such as cook, or teach her to write letters. There is nothing like having your own words thrown back into your face.