Friday, February 7, 2014


Can we see the Blessings and be thankful?

I get tired of using the washing machine.
      Just look at the pictures of natives hand washing their clothes in the river and laying out on rocks to dry. 

I find myself looking into the packed closet and muttering that I have nothing to wear that matches.
     They would be happy just to have something that was warm or not thread bare.

I find myself whining about a dirty house and air vents that looks like a entire bunny tried to go through and got stuck.
      They just want a warm building and a blanket.

I'm tired, I would just like to stay home on Sunday and not go anywhere.
      They just want to worship and praise God without hiding and being afraid of persecution. 

I have two freezers full, and I have NO idea what to eat.
       They just want to not feel those constant nulling stomach pains.

I just want to be alone, just to be away from people.
       He/She just wants someone to LOVE them, someone to call them family, or friend.

I groan when I fill up with gas, I have travel too far to see my friends.
       They want the blisters to heal because they have no shoes and have to walk miles for water.

I have a hard time taking the time to read my Bible everyday.
       They just WANT a Bible!!

I dread on Sunday because tomorrow is Monday and I have to go to work
        They dream of having the opportunity of having a good paid occupation just to be able to feed and
         cloth their families.

 I forget to thank God for giving His Son up on the cross, so that I could be saved and forgiven.
         They don't even who is God is, because they no one told them. 

May we feel and find the blessings in every dust bunny and every piece of dirty laundry.  May we savor each bite of food, and feel the love of being surrounded with our people.  May we praise God that we are able to talk and worship about Him openly!  May we feel blessed to have a job and be able to pay for heat for a warm home.  May we never forget what God has forgiven us of and that we never forget to share it to others.