Thursday, July 16, 2020

Nothing new...

   On the spur of the moment, we ran away for a little.  It was such a wonderful peaceful time filled with laziness sunshine, and salt water and it dulled the ache off of our hearts for a short time.  But as soon as we got home, the elephant crashes back in and sits back down on our shoulders. s but the truth is... p jobs right now.  

   We were invited to a teleconference call with The Office of Children’s Issues (OCI) which is part of the U.S. Department of State. They didn’t really tell us anything new, but wanted to hear from us (the people that have children waiting on them and that are just waiting to travel. There were 400 people on the call. They encouraged us all to write our stories to them. They are hopeful to get a meeting with 2 individuals that are higher up in the CCWA in August if they are lucky. All the visas that they have specifically requested as of now, have all been refused.    

   China still has a travel advisory 4, which basically means that they suggest not to travel but you could ignore it if you wanted to in normal situations. But this is not a normal situation soooo....we are still waiting for the visas to be unsuspended. We also have to have a travel approval because that basically starts the paperwork/medical/government appointments that we need in China to legally adopt.

   I guess we (as in the adoptive community) hope to make enough of noise that it makes a difference. As for me, well, hopefulness has long disappeared.
   So I eat chocolate and hourly pray that God will increase my faith.
   I wrote the letter that they asked for so you can pray that something in it will strike a heart and make a difference!  Continue to pray that God will prepare Zuri's heart for our family!  It's hard to wrap your mind around the fact that you can love someone soooo much that you never meet, but that's God for you.  

Our sweet girl... every picture, breaks the heart a little more. Yup, they chopped her hair off. Wahh.