Wednesday, March 10, 2021

20 years

When people would tell me that they were married for 20 or 25 years, I of course would always congratulate them. But I never really was totally impressed. It’s just like anything else, you just aren’t that amazed unless you have managed to experience it yourself and then you are like “WOW! We are really amazing!!” 😆 I’m turning 40 this year as well. Seems impossible. Married half of my life, longer than I was single. 50/50. 

Just recently someone (a stranger) asked us “what is the key to a good marriage? How did you make it 20 years?”  We joked about it and didn’t really give a good answer. I had answers running through my mind but didn’t take the time. I’ll tell you now.
I take no credit. None. 
It’s because of Jesus and Gary. I remember those early years I struggled with Gary being a jokester. I remember having a heart to heart with him saying that I needed some seriousness too. I remember him trying really hard after that to balance between the two specially for me. He loved God enough to care about my heart and changed.. at least a little. But he also loved me enough to know that we were going to need alot of jokes to get through life. Marriage isn’t always simple. You don’t have to live long to figure out human relationships are tough because wow, we are very imperfect. But we both believe in marriage for life. Yup, until death. So even if you kinda don’t like each other one day, you wake up and try again and say I’m sorry. Over and over again. And some how in the mess of tears and joy.. marriage is the most beautiful bond. 
Yes Jesus is faithful. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

March 2021

  I know I do a terrible job of hiding it, and try I do, but this never ending wait for Zuri is beyond hard.  The open endlessness.  An pregnancy that will never end.  We re-did our kitchen and dining room floors, painted and stained our kitchen cabinets, and then repainted the dining room.  I looked around and picked the cabinets because I figured that it was the worst home improvement that I could do.  It lived up it my expectations but it still only dulled the pain for moments.  Next on my list is paint my kitchen table, paint the bathroom, re-caulk the bathtub, and anything else that I can dream up. ;0 

  We long and pray for an update or picture, but yet when it comes, I have these internal raging fits of anger.  She is so beautiful that my heart just can't bear the pain of her growing one more day without her here with me (us).  I'm missing her chubby tiny fingers slimming and getting longer, her hair growing down her forehead, her button nose, and the cute little things that toddlers do and say. She is even turning 3 this month, and we already celebrated her last birthday without her.  Endless amount of loss.  Another waiting mom said that she prays and BELIEVES that God will redeem EVERY lost moment.  I guess I like that, so pray it for me because most days I can't pray it for myself.  I know that God is doing a work in me although some days it doesn't feel like it.  He has given me a real desire to read the Bible this year, and David in the Psalms has been speaking to my soul. He writes about how defeated and discouraged he was, but yet, he comes back to God's faithfulness again and again.  So I play it in my mind on repeat...God is faithful ~ He has a plan...over and over again.  

  People try to say helpful things like "well, she is being taking care of and doesn't even understand that she is missing being in a family", or give reasons on how "yes, you can travel to China and why are you still waiting".  Not helpful, ok.  

  Yes, we are following all China travel procedures and protocols in the news.  No we can not go yet.  We have visas but they are still suspended and we have wait until they issue a document called TA (travel approval) to start the adoption paperwork flow again.  If we were able to travel currently they are talking about 2 week quarantines, vaccines,  and even anal swabs for covid (Gary and I actually snorted when we read that because I suppose its better than crying).  Well, if that would get us to our daughter, then yup, we would do it.  But even with these regulations, we can't go until they say.  

But until then I will ...treasure and cry over every picture of her sweet face with all of my heart...