Friday, July 13, 2012

How God sees what we need

My little inspiration flip calendar is just what I needed the last few days..

"  One day I prayed, "Lord, I feel like I'm in a deep, dark cave right now."  Of course I didn't hear an audible response, but I did sense Him impressing on my heart, You may be in a cave, but you have a choice: you can sit in the dark, or you can diamond-mine your difficulties.

We can decide right now that we're not leaving the caves in our lives empty handed.  We can mine them and take every blessing we discover with us.  There may still be many days when all we do is sit on the floor of the cave and grieve, but we can also walk away with treasures from that time in our lives we would never have found otherwise.  "

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I feel alone.. and I wonder is God big enough in my life that He is all I need.  I know He is BIG enough, but I need to allow Him to fill my voids.  If I was in a prison cell with nothing, no G, no family or friends, no work, books or other "mind fillers"...

Dear Lord, please fill my mind, shatter my nightmares, crush the devil... Make me strong!

TobyMac - Me Without You (Official Lyric Video)