Friday, May 15, 2015

Day 9

It was sssso good to be back with our group and see all the kids. It is common to have the kids attach to the dads but it did my heart good to see it with my eyes in other families so I know that I'm not alone. 
Some of the families ended up not getting here till 6am and we had to meet at 8 to head to our apps. Thankfully at least their flight wasn't canceled... Because if you meet the medical app.. It all landslides from there. 
Today is Saturday so they only are open a half day. 
The waiting for all six families to start seemed long. I was able to talk for a little with a family that was traveling by theirselves.  Sweet sweet family. I wish they were with us. I want to take them all in. But our guide, Helen would have a heart attack. She is a skilled lady.. And so organized ...managing 8 families. Only 6 families are on our schedule.  Barely anyone could do this job. It's hard. 
Again, I thanked God that we aren't alone. And that we are with believers.  (By the time we left, there were adoptive families everywhere ;). 
Josie did much better than we expected, it was as if she was used to being examined. We had to go three stationing. One for nurses station, one for ears, nose, throat, and one for a full physical exam. The doctor said that she had bronchitis and gave us antiboditic.  I don't know, I thought she had a cold. But good luck to us trying to get it in her.  Then because she is over two, they have to do a blood test. We were not allowed in the room, but she came out crying. 

She did allow me to feed her a apple while waiting afterwards.  But full out temper fits later when baba was trying to buy snacks at seven eleven. This is 1000 percent harder than I had prepared for and imagined.  We will not even go to where Mama tried to pick her up from her nap. One of our friends are in the next room and I know I shouldn't be happy to hear crying tonight, but it made me feel like we aren't alone. We are just stumbling along first time parents. 

My heart needs some love from her. 

I did the paperwork party while G babysat and that went very quickly.  Tomorrow we have some sightseeing and shopping. I hope we find something to buy for her... Since we haven't bought anything yet. 
For lunch I walked to McDonald's to get lunch. Yes, again. Because mama needed some alone time. Time out. I know it seems strange but true. 
G got her to sleep for her first real nap of 1 1/2 + hrs. Praise the Lord.
We go on walks just to get out. I was carrying Josie in a front pack and fell on the metro steps... Slid about 3 or more steps. I thought I was partially paralyzed. It hurt soo bad I couldn't move. It let up after a few moments but in the morning it's going to kill. At least Josie didn't freak other than banged her head on mine. 

Our friends invited us to go out to Cantonese food.  We really enjoyed that and Josie decided to eat, I guess since everyone else including babies was. She ate soooo much rice for the first time. Before she had refused it. 
One other couple decided to take a walk in the park after dinner and we joined them. I truly lovvvve being with this group. Blessings straight from heaven. They are so encouraging to G and I, it chokes me up. Who am I kidding. I choke up over everything. 

I gave up night shift too... Just so it would go better.  It hard to know if I should just do it so she gets used to it or does she still look at me as a woman and women in the past left her.  As G rocked her to sleep, he was singing a 100 versions of "come ba ya". Someone's wiggling, Lord. Someone's farting, Lord. I couldn't stop giggling. I think God has a sense of humor, in this case. God only knows how bad I need to laugh. 

 Please continue to pray for us.

For G because he is the primary parent, and primary encourager of mama. 
For J because of the fears she has from losing everything she has ever know. 
For P because her heart hurts. 
For us  because we need to be fill with God's power, Love, patience, wisdom, and understanding. 

Adoption begins through tragedy--abandonment, poverty, illness and even death. Even from those tragic places, God brings beauty from the ashes. He creates beautiful families from tragedy. Thank you, Lord.

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