Miss grumpy pants here speaking.
Secondly I will never look at crying traveling babies the same. I don't ever remember complaining about them, but if I had, I fully repent. Please give them patience and put in your ear plugs. They are doing the best they can. Amen.
Thirdly I told G that I'm happy to never travel again. I've seen as much as the world as I want. I'm done. I will stay inside of a three hr radius.
Fourthly I know why sometimes moms get frumpy. It's exhausting. You don't even have time to shave. And somehow I about lost my skirt. And I look like I NEVER comb my hair. Don't ask.
Between G and I, the thoughts of noodles, almost make us barf. Gansu is known for its noodles and that is one thing J will eat. But for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Eeeee.
But on the plane to here, it was so awful that I told g that I would stay here and live and eat noodles every day, just to not go home on a forever flight.
And I may or may not have said, we are NEVER EVER doing this again. Amen.
Then I remembered, to stay in the center of Gods will, you do what he had called you to do. March we onward.
We were given much patience today and not too many evil eyes of the plane. The flight attendees were patience and kind with the seat belt rules.
Maybe they did because as Josie cried, that white American lady may have had tears steaking down her cheeks too. We will never know.
On the way to the hotel from the airport, I figured out the miss J will eat apple. Score. Since she wasn't feeling good, she hadn't been eating or drinking as well. We were able to get giggles out of her by tickling her too, so the plane ride faded just a hair.
G has a tough job too. J isn't happy if she isn't with him. She will happily hold his hand to walk, and give him hugs and pat his face and give him cheek kisses.... And she turns away from me. She will occasionally like me if it's her idea. Lol. He can barely get in potty breaks. I kept her in the hotel while he snuck out to go to mcds and she had meltdown. But she did like the fries and nuggets that he brought back. Do not even talk to me about when he goes back to work.
On a better note... There McDonald outside our hotel. I have always laughed at people that travel the world and don't eat the food. Well we did and after nerves, too many noodles, bad water, lack of sleep, and fevers... American food about made me melt onto the ground.
And G will be able to get coffee.
This hotel has a queen bed, a sheet, a raining shower, and AC that works!!!!
After screaming in front of a airplane of people, nighttime screams in the hotel room seem tolerable.
G took last night shift during the night so I could that Tylenol PM and I slept soo good. First time for two weeks or more.
I'm blessed beyond measure. I'd pick him again and again. And again. And also miss J with attitude. She is melting our hearts more each day. Yup. God has blessed!
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