Thursday, May 28, 2015

Day 21....

Am I boring you yet...

A wonderful day... Really. 

Well, I had my fingers crossed for last night.  Will she stay down all night?!  
She took cough medicine that was a sleepy kind. And we played hard after her bath and then tried to read to her (what a joke). Then I was sooooo boring just laying on the floor acting like I was sleeping. She wandered around for a while and then just stood beside her crib. I ignored her for a while thinking she would try to communicate that she wanted in. But after 3 mins of standing there, I asked her if she wanted in and I got a yes head shake. She laid down and a minute later was out. 11:00-10:00. We also tryed a sound machine too. 

Double sweetness. Mama still didn't sleep until 2.. Why?  I don't know, but I think my mama nerves are on full active mode. Please turn them off. 

Josie isn't sure about Baba returning home in the evening. It takes about 30seconds and then its attack mode. She loves on him with kisses and hugs that mama doesn't get. One day.. :). 

We had fun today. We played in the pool, in the kid tent, and set up a mini trampoline, and also watered plants with a friend. She NEVER wants to go inside. Outside always rules over the inside. Hmm. 

I managed to iron 3 pants and 2 shirts, start the dishwasher, and fold a basket of laundry. Woohoo 
I haven't even started cooking. I'm not sure that I could. Yes, I'm pathetic. 

She fought the crib again tonight. I don't know why, But I sure hope that 11:00 isn't her normal bedtime cause it's killing us. Lol. 

Today I was reminded again... We are so quick to judge. If I have not walked in those shoes, then I need to offer grace.   We will not truly understand unless we have been there. And if we offer grace, maybe someday it will be offered to us. We are all battling something. ALL of us. Even those that look like they have it all together. We also are in a spiritual battle. May we hold each other up and not tear down. And never assume. Because you don't know how you would act, or feel, or be.... Unless you have been there. 

May we LOVE, and may we be like God's grace... Never ending. 


  1. Definitely not bored!

    And so much of what you write about is familiar. My children attack Ed when he comes home each night too. And give him more kisses than they gave me all day. And outside rules over inside, especially if you have something that needs done NOW inside.

    And good insight. We are in a spiritual battle. May we hold up each other's hands.

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, Gina. Sometimes I think that she loves him more, because I'm the teacher :) the stern one.
