Sunday, May 24, 2015

Day 17

After a extra rough night of one hour of sleep to one hour of crying from 10 until 4ish. Then sleep from 4-9.  Both adults were feeling rough. Especially mama. After breakfast I asked G if he could take care of J, so that I could take a bubble bath. It was so nice, no it didn't make anything better really, but I felt a little more human. 
Since we were missing church, we sat down and I held her while G read a few verses. You would have thought that we were torturous from her whining noises. We are a loooonng way from sitting through a real service. Oh shoot me now. 

Mom had invited us over for lunch and I figured if she was going to meltdown at a meal, then it might as well be at my families house. She truly dislikes most food. She ate 2 microscopic pieces of meat and some mac and cheese. 

She doesn't like any adults yet, and I'm ok with that until she likes me a whole lot. But over at dad's, he was playing the harmonica for her and she crawled up and sat in the corner of his chair for a tiny bit. She liked the doll that opened and closed her eyes and a little school bus that she could pull around. We only stayed a hr and a half and decided to try a nap after we got home. 
She didn't fight to bed and then slept almost 2hrs. Praise God, and we got a few winks in :). I ended up waking her because I wanted her to sleep at night. I'm sure we all could have slept for hrs!  

It was so beautiful out and the sun is good for jet lag so we walked our little street and then decided to go the local school and play on the playground. Vaughn's joined us :). The kids love her and she likes them. 

Terry's came over for a hr or so, we loved their company as well. 

We ate a late dinner of lots of rice and apple for baby and grilled hot dogs for the olds. She played for the first time by herself for a good hour or so. It was lovely. G and I curled up on the sofa together and chilled out. I looked at the mess everywhere but was just ok with it, because I had moments of doing nothing that I was soaking up. 
She was basically falling asleep in her bath, and went down by 10:30 with ten minutes of patting. Praise the Lord. And she slept until 6:30. Mama didn't sleep much though, but was so happy there was no crying!! G ran on his first call at 4:30 and made it out the door without waking her :). 


  1. Hey girlfriend, hang in there. I can only imagine how hard it is for you and how scary for her. I have had a baby who cried and cried and cried so on some tiny level I know how hard it is to be so helpless and frustrated because moms are supposed to fix things! You & G and your new one are in my prayers!

    1. Hi, Shontele
      It was super hard, but she is doing better. She is basically sleeping though the night which is very rare for newly adopted kids. Only God. Thanks for your prayers and don't stop. I didn't know the hardest of parenting :)
