Tuesday, June 30, 2015


We finally got our family pictures taken last night after being canceled last week because of raining. I am ssssoo happy that's over. 

Last week...What heeing and hawing over what to wear. We were going with pink, black, white, and denim. Well, that narrows Miss J's clothes down to half. Haha. I love pink. I can't not lie.  And my friends know it and blessed her with lots of pretty pink.  I had the entire bed covered with clothes. I had them all picked out... And then I decided that our pinks didn't match. Oh dear. 
Then it rained that original date. 
Then yesterday I decided I didn't like what I had picked out...  
My brain cell of decision making must have died from eating to many noodles. 
It went 99% better than I had guessed. If we get one picture that's none blurry, than our photographer rocks. It's a moving target. 

Tonight I finished J's birthday cake. We are celebrating a early birthday with my family tomorrow night. 
Yes, pink, black, and white are still the theme. I know, it doesn't look like a 3 year olds cake... But I don't care. I made a cake. I still win. And I may have balloons. I double win. 

G took Josie down to the fire station tonight for under a hr. I was working on the cake decorating.  It was sooo quiet. I barely remember silence.  I heard that it was raining and then stopped.  The air conditioner stopped, the refrigerator paused. It was if there was a designated moment of silence just for me.  It was the first time home alone since I have been a mom. I rather liked it. Don't judge me. 

Someone asked how to pronounce her name.. Is it Josie or Jozy. It's like "Jo see". But you can call her Jozy (like cozy only different). That doesn't bother me, in fact I probably won't even notice. 
But for pete's sake call her a her, or she, or a girl. I can have her in pink with large flowers and bows and people be like.. "What's his name". I be like... Up in yo face. (In my mind). Just saying. But I sweetly say, "HER name is Josie. Isn't SHE beautiful?" 
I know some may see a little squished up nose or her lip scar or her short hair. But to me.. I see PERFECTION. I could just eat her up. With kisses. And I do. Poor child, being traumatized with kisses. 

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