Tuesday, June 2, 2015

I don't know what day it is

We have had two beautiful amazing fabulous refreshing God given nights of total sleep. 11 hrs of blissful sleeping for Miss J. 
And she has went down without a fight. Only God. 

We started to sing God is great instead of normal praying. Oh it so fun to see how fast she caught on and closes her eyes and holds our hands and sings loud Chinese blabber along with us. She occasionally starts the tune to "running over" while she is playing. 

Days are good overall. But the last two days it has been rainy. I need it to stop. J points at the door ... Maybe a hundred times at day wanting to go out. It's driving mama crazy. I finally went out late afternoon for a stroller ride and then left her play in the yard. She was ssssso annoyed that she was wet. Well, tough luck, mama thinks. 
She knows some of the dumbest words because she points at stuff as we go up the road. She points at every mailbox and says malbox.. Or sign and says sin. But yet she can't remember grass or leaves or trees or bird.  Ok then. 

She has finally gotten over her cough after 3 weeks. G is going with us to John Hopkins in Baltimore tomorrow to see our adoption specialist Dr Dibbs. We will see how the 1 1/2 hour trip goes. 

I feel like my brain is going to mush. Have I EVER said "no" soo much or "do you have to go potty"?  Seriously. 
No you shouldn't touch the electrical socket. No I'm not mean, I'm just trying to keep you from dying. Do you have to go potty? No, don't stick your hands in your diaper. Do you have to go potty? No, you can't run out into the road. Do you have to go potty? No, it's raining outside, we can't play out there. 
Oh, you decided to poo in your diaper instead. Nice.

I've always went with the policy that if everything was covered with dust and it was un disturbed... Then it was not very noticeable. Well, J is disturbing my dirt. Namely my window blinds.... And now you can see fingerprints everywhere. You can write stories in them. Seriously...before you couldn't tell they were dirty. 
Unless, you are freak of nature and go to people's houses looking for dirt. And if you are, then go away. Amen. Annnnnywho, that's what I managed to get done today.  Wiped my blinds. And dusted a few things around the house. And vacuumed under the couch. 
Apparently I rock. You just had NO idea, did you?  

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