Why in the world does it irritate me so bad I don't know but it does. And if she gets confused even more she will cross mom and bob and she will call either one of us, Mob.
I refuse to answer because I'm mean like that so I will often hear through the day a little one yelling, "Bob, Bob, Mob, Mom". And then I look over at her beautiful brown eyes and melt all over and then get over it.
I know I'll look back on this as hilarious :) but come on.
She loved to match and be the same. But I was talking about her eyes and how beautiful and brown they were. She asked, "mom too"?
Oh no, honey, Mommy's are gray blue. "Daddy too", she asked.
No, Josie we are all different, Daddy has green eyes, Josie has brown, and mommy has gray. Our hair is all different too, you have black, mommy has brown, and daddy has none.
She got this silly grin on her face, rolled her eyes and said, "No hair, wwwaaaaaa, no hair clip".
She continues to amaze me. Some days you think she is not learning a thing and other days she can't stop. Just this morning as I was writing this, I was sounded out waaa slowly and she announced "waaa is W". I looked at her and said Boom, Boom, Boom, you got it right. She repeated "Boom Boom, is B". Unbelievable. But tomorrow she will probably answer "maybe" to EVERYTHING!!
She can write a J,O, and I, but still can't get S or E to finish her name. She was scribbling wildly over her paper and called out, mom look. She showed me a h and p. I'm doubting she made them as letters but in her scribbles they formed and she picked them out.
We ate out with some friends this weekend (a table of 8) and got a surprise when we went to pay. Another couple had paid for our whole entire table. I am just in awe for the generosity of these people. What a blessing not just for the food, but for the spirit behind it... warmed my heart... reminded me of the true meaning of being a Christian and sharing the love especially around Christmas.
G and I got to go to a concert also this weekend with another couple and we felt at least 10 yrs younger:). It was sooo fun to have couple time and they had amazing laser show along with pyrotechnics. And did I mention my favorite part was a Asian violin player :)
G and I got to go to a concert also this weekend with another couple and we felt at least 10 yrs younger:). It was sooo fun to have couple time and they had amazing laser show along with pyrotechnics. And did I mention my favorite part was a Asian violin player :)
J has stayed over at my Mom's house a few times, but this time she stayed at my sister's house for the first time. It was the first to have another child in the same room. At times it bothers me that she seems to not care that we leave, but it has been a blessing that she understands that we are coming back. She kept demanding earlier that day that right now " I go bye bye and Josie go to Aunt S by herself". Ok then.
It hurt my momma heart that when I went to pick her up, she couldn't have cared less. But I guess being held a lot and spoiled makes one not want to come home to boring bossy momma.
We are still fighting the "mine" word. I'm guessing it from not having personal belongings and now wanting to protect them. It's even more pronounced with Christmas presents. It rather exhausting. We had our Christmas over at G's parents home and J loved having other kids to pull around. She even played air hockey. Lol. If sitting on the table is how you play it.
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