Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Going all out

Yup, I went all out this Christmas season.
I. Cleaned. Under. My. Couch. Cushions. I'm still impressed by my boldness to make such a big decision.  But it is still making me shiver, all that crumby stuff and lots of chunks and random toys. Gaaaross. 
And then I put Missy down for a nap after having a melt down over not being able to put ALL of her cards in a Christmas stocking and not being able to put a pair of sandals in a tiny tiny tin. Life is tragic, I tell you. 
And then you are imagining that I propped up my feet and had a smoke. Well, I don't smoke. Well then, did I have a tea then? Nope. Chocolate covered cherry? Nada. 
Instead, I washed the whole kitchen floor. Woohoo. And I surprised Mr Gum, our fish... I cleaned his house. He thinks Santa already came. 
To bad for me, these are "quiet" things to do while little one was sleeping. 
I'm having too much fun today, aren't I. 

I did start the day out with being sad for myself, because I miss my coworkers. You see, my manager had this terrific tradition of Christmas Eve Eve Moring Breakfast. It was so fun...  
So after mopping around, I packed up my girlie and hauled off to McD's (a whole two mins away) and we had big old breakfasts and pretended that we were having a party! 
After being out in the rain, I was happy to come home where it is nice and cozy. 

I get to go out with my girls tonight.. Score!! My friend and I made a joint decision that we weren't buying Christmas presents for each other, but that we would go out together and buy ourselves a meal and say Merry Christmas to me. So for my gift to myself...can you guess??  Stuffed mushrooms. Can I get a "Yeah, Yeah"!!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Wires crossed

You know what happens when you learn a language too fast?  You get your wired crossed. So if you shorten Mommy's name to Mom, then what do you get if you shorten Baba?  Bab..which sounds like Bob.
Why in the world does it irritate me so bad I don't know but it does.  And if she gets confused even more she will cross mom and bob and she will call either one of us, Mob. 
I refuse to answer because I'm mean like that so I will often hear through the day a little one yelling, "Bob, Bob, Mob, Mom". And then I look over at her beautiful brown eyes and melt all over and then get over it. 
I know I'll look back on this as hilarious :) but come on. 

She loved to match and be the same. But I was talking about her eyes and how beautiful and brown they were. She asked, "mom too"? 
Oh no, honey, Mommy's are gray blue. "Daddy too", she asked. 
No, Josie we are all different, Daddy has green eyes, Josie has brown, and mommy has gray. Our hair is all different too, you have black, mommy has brown, and daddy has none. 
She got this silly grin on her face, rolled her eyes and said, "No hair, wwwaaaaaa, no hair clip".

She continues to amaze me. Some days you think she is not learning a thing and other days she can't stop. Just this morning as I was writing this, I was sounded out waaa slowly and she announced "waaa is W".  I looked at her and said Boom, Boom, Boom, you got it right. She repeated "Boom Boom, is B".  Unbelievable. But tomorrow she will probably answer "maybe" to EVERYTHING!!

She can write a J,O, and I, but still can't get S or E to finish her name. She was scribbling wildly over her paper and called out, mom look. She showed me a h and p. I'm doubting she made them as letters but in her scribbles they formed and she picked them out. 

We ate out with some friends this weekend (a table of 8) and got a surprise when we went to pay.  Another couple had paid for our whole entire table.  I am just in awe for the generosity of these people.  What a blessing not just for the food, but for the spirit behind it... warmed my heart... reminded me of the true meaning of being a Christian and sharing the love especially around Christmas.
    G and I got to go to a concert also this weekend with another couple and we felt at least 10 yrs younger:).  It was sooo fun to have couple time and they had amazing laser show along with pyrotechnics.  And did I mention my favorite part was a Asian violin player :) 

    J has stayed over at my Mom's house a few times, but this time she stayed at my sister's house for the first time. It was the first to have another child in the same room.  At times it bothers me that she seems to not care that we leave, but it has been a blessing that she understands that we are coming back. She kept demanding earlier that day that right now " I go bye bye and Josie go to Aunt S by herself". Ok then. 
     It hurt my momma heart that when I went to pick her up, she couldn't have cared less. But I guess being held a lot and spoiled makes one not want to come home to boring bossy momma. 

We are still fighting the "mine" word. I'm guessing it from not having personal belongings and now wanting to protect them. It's even more pronounced with Christmas presents. It rather exhausting.  We had our Christmas over at G's parents home and J loved having other kids to pull around.  She even played air hockey. Lol. If sitting on the table is how you play it. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas is coming

We have been fighting terrible coughs for about three weeks. None of us went to the doctors yet, but every day I try to figure out if I should take Josie. This translates into long long nights of coughing, crying, irritableness, and random kicking of blankets. 
The other day, I felt guilty of our schedule of getting up at 9ish and eating breakfast at 10ish, but that's what she likes. 
After last night, I decided I needed to get over feeling guilty about it. I was up hrs and I need sleep to be able to function emotionally. I wish I was one of those people that can just sleep 7 hrs and be good. But I'm not. 

We attended Gary's work Christmas party on Sunday. It's always a long day of 1 1/2 hr drive there and a few hrs sitting and then the drive home again. But I found out... It's even a longerrrr day with a toddler. 
She was rather pleased with her first Christmas gift. She tries to sing Away in a Manager. It's cute but a little shoddy. Sometimes she remembers that it's Jesus in the manager, other days she thinks it is Josie. She had her own little fan club going on there at the company Christmas especially since it was the first time most of his coworkers would have met her. 
Times like these, I'm overwhelmed by the support that we have.  So thankful that our people has crowded in and listened and prayed and loved us through these months. 
So many people tell me that she is adorable and I always feel at lost for words. I was telling Gary that and he said, just tell them thanks. I just feel like by saying thanks that is taking the credit away from God. I look at her beauty and am in awe of God. Only God. 

It seems as we have a good week then follows a rough week. I just expected myself to have adjusted by now. But it is STILL hard. I don't really miss my actually work at my job anymore, but now I'm missing being alone. Very very bad. I feel like a terrible person just saying that out loud but seriously right now I'm laying on the couch and she is crawling up my skirt. Completely up my skirt. I'm serious. Some days I only remain sane because of my Facebook adoption pages. They are real, they are honest, they feel the struggles. We talk about wanting to go to the bathroom by ourselves. We talk about being failures. And we talk about Jesus. We talk about sleep issues, about not knowing how to play, about the kids habits that didn't come from us, about wanting to run away for a evening, about over simulation and hyper activeness. 
And then I start to feel ok again. That I'm not just crazy. At least I'm not going by myself. 

We try to take a short walk every day just to clear the cobwebs. We went to the library today and took a walk at the park on the way there. 
She was pleased as you can tell. It probably had something to do with that Grandma came along with us :). 

One of G's favorite Christmas snacks are Christmas wreaths.  I tried them once before and then did not turn out. But this time they worked out. So yummy but don't ask about how much green food coloring that they take. Or about what that green does to you. 
Occasionally we act her age. And it feels good. 

I ran into this song again and was thinking about how it spoke to me and moved me to tears while I was waiting on God to send me my little girl. I had felt so broken and wondered why, Lord, why. Now I see beauty in the wait and trusting God. 
Now today it again had me in tears, I'm trusting with faith that God can still bend us but not break us. That He will mold us through the trials that we can become something even greater. I'm praying that God shows His power especially to my friends that are without a job right now and it's unbelieveablely hard to trust. 

Believe with me. 

Believe in the miracle of Jesus' birth and how He died and rose and now can live in us. 
Remember with me that it's all about Jesus this season. All about Him. Give Him your all. And be Him. Let your Jesus light shine. Give your all to others.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

She's so funny

Today, she found something she was looking for and said, "there it is, BOOM". 
Had me rolling. 

So ridiculously full of life ;) all the time. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


So many changes..

She is already growing up and we both have our brakes screeching.  She wanted to put herself to bed once this week and she walked into her bedroom and closed the door.  My mind was internally screaming but I was waiting to see what G was going to do.  He turned and looked at me and said, "I'm not ready for that".  "ME EITHER, OPEN that door".

She has even taken a few naps and was happy about it.  That is a miracle.  You just may not know.

She stayed over night at Grandma's again and did good again.  She seemed to get it sooo much more this time that mom and dad was going to come back.  And she has been begging to go back :).

Her first words in the morning isn't "Baba work?" but now is telling me who's turn it is to put her to bed.  We take turns and you better believe she remembers who's next. 

I took her to the library for the first time two weeks ago and it was terrible.  I may have said that I wasn't going back in again.  But yesterday I went back in with her and it was like a million bucks better.  You just have to have to have two hands available since she has two hands grabbing.  She LOVES books.
I was joking around the other day about having no friends to go to the library with since it was in the middle of the day and she looked up in all seriousness and said "church".  She remembered me telling her who was sitting beside us and that they are mommy and daddy's friends.  She had signed friends to me then.  NOTHING passes her.

We got a betta fish.  I asked what to name it and her choices were People, Gum and Carpet.  I thought it was going to die but it hasn't yet and it's been about a week so we asked her again, and this time, she picked Gum.  We feed Gum every day.. she reminds me.

I took her to the eye doctor just for randomness really. On one of the referral pictures, I thought her eye was crossed but no doctors said anything about it, even after John Hopkins' 5 or so doctors and then her regular doctor.  But still I decided to take her, and her one eye is not great at all.  She needs heart moans at this.  All those annoying kids and glasses in our office, well now I'm going to be those people.  Its a amazing how things come back to bite you in the rear.  Just a note to you, just get their eyes checked to be sure.  
Today we just picked them up and she wore them for the rest of the day.  I may have only gone grocery shopping and glasses watching done today.  Nothing else.  Hey, it's a full time job. I told her that she could take them off a hr before bedtime, but she wanted them back on. Crossing our fingers and toes that they stay in one piece for a week. 

I'm bored, just saying.  That's not saying that I don't have anything to do.  My house isn't clean, nor my laundry caught up, and have no idea what we are eating tonight.  I just have days that I struggle with no end in sight of missing people.  I have started a Pinterest string art just because of feeling blah blah and my hand hurts from pounding nails and so does my neck.  lol.  But it took a few minutes away from the day.  I'm listening to some instrumental music and it's putting me to sleep.  I just bargained with dear daughter that if she puts her abc puzzles together correctly that she gets candy.  Trust me, I'm mean, she may get three m&ms but she thinks its worth it. Anything for several minutes of quiet time. 

I don't feel like she has learned to play by herself or her age of friends any better. They said it gets better with time and I'm begging for time. I had my old coworkers over for game night and it was fabulous with no kids to fight with. Apparently I'm going to have adult parties only. Haha. I know the emotions are more than we can see and more than she can express. After a night with small kids and fighting and what not, she will have a restless night of 3ish times of crying. We wonder oh, wonder what history she has and why it unsettles her. 

Her words have exploded and it's hard to guess what she is saying. She gets very annoyed when you don't guess right. She didn't want to hug me after a bath. After a long time, we figured out that "she was soggy", at least according to her. She is using the word "actually" in the funniest ways. She will just randomly add it to the end of a sentence. "I play toys actually".  

She wants to go and see and do everything. She wants to "go now, build snowman" every day. I was telling her about how Jesus died on the cross for our sins and she looked up so seriously and said "Josie go cross too". 
Later looking at a submarine, "Josie go mama and daddy too". 

She will match everything!!   As in, the colors of my clothes will get matched to the colors on the cereal box or the signs in food lion. Oh, the giggling, when she realizes that she matches mama or baba. 

Sooo after a long day... Yeah, I want to go to the cross too. Let it all down at the feet of Jesus. You can too. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Cold vs Hot

I was sweating just looking at my running shoes. 
She was cold so I wrapped her up like a snowman.  

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Worth every minute

The need to write swells up in my soul as my emotions are to the edge of over flowing. And normally I'm driving alone in the dark. These a few of my randomness..
So I truly think that G and I are the cat's meow of a couple. 
Now stop, don't be gagging. Just stop.

I want you to feel like that about your relationship. Yes, you should and be stinking confident about it. Own it. 

So back to us. We are cool, yes, only to us, but really our opinions are the only ones that matter in this relationship. 
I'm in love with him, his heart, and his characteristics. He is hilarious to me. He is the calm in my storm. He is truly the most tender hearted man I know. He stands for what he believes. Oh, and is a amazing daddy. I still no idea what he sees in me, but he keeps coming back because he is loyal. 
So with these characters that he has, I'm sure that we could make some awesome biological children. 
But let me tell you, Josie is way cooler than all those characteristics. She is way above any thing that we could have ever imagined. 
She is everything to us.  To me. 

Sure, she can annoy me, but those little arms that grab and hug so randomly are so worth it. When you are trying to walk or work, hugs that grab on and won't let go. Or those random kisses to whatever body part closest to her which doesn't exclude your hiney. 

We will stay up every night to stop her crying because we were picked by God. We get to comfort her.  
I am incredibly lucky. I am beyond imagination... blessed.
People tell me the miracle of birth, which I believe is a true miracle. 
But adoption is a miracle too and will always over rule in my heart. God made me that way. He put the adoption passion in my heart as a teenager. 

People tell me that you will never know true love until you birth a child. 
I believe you will never know true love until you adopt. Until you trust God enough to follow into the unknown. 

People tell me that they are proud of me for doing this as if this is a noble deed.
People don't tell other  people that they are proud of them for becoming pregnant.

Don't be proud, be jealous.
Because even in the middle of the night....
There is absolutely nothing I would rather be doing.
This child that only by the grace of God, I get to call my daughter, is awesome.  

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Some days are better

Some days are better than others. Today was one of those. I don't want to close my eyes becsuse then it will be gone...

We started at the dentist. These people love kids and it shows. 

A cold, wet, and very rainy day equals a chai tea. And I don't like hot drinks normally. But today it spoke cotton candy and rainbow like thoughts into blood veins. 

Then we babysat and the kiddos actually played well together. We played games and colored and stuck stickers everywhere.  I needed that. I was feeling like a total failure of a mom. I have no idea what I'm doing. 

J wearing a "veil" aka coffee filter....  Humbles a soul to see someone that wants to be like you. 

Yes, we NEEDED to take a walk in the rain. Because... Well just because. 
We just wanted a excuse to use our umbrellas ;) 

And well.... She WANTED to wear mama's jacket. Long arms anyone. 

I dragged my paints back out. I'm so excited. I felt as if a little piece of me was coming back as I sat dipping my paint brush and listening to music. And it seemed right on a rainy day. Never mind that I could use my artistic mind and draw in the dust coating my furniture. I'm not looking. You better not either. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Is God really Enough?

I gave my testimony in church Sunday morning. Oh course, I cried. You know it. Even after I demanded my tear ducts to clog themselves... And did they listen? no. 

But I get tears every time I think back on those moments. 

I was in China with a team that I had met just 3 days before. We visited a orphanage that day that you could see the neglect in the children. It was just too emotional for me to handle. I held my tears back that day while I was with the children. But I broke as soon as I sat in the bus to head back to our hotel. 

Totally broke. 

I need my person. Yes, the team was great and they prayed with me. They could remember their first time. They remembered the shock, the anger, the helplessness, and the love that flowed through your veins all at the same. But still I needed my person. Gary.

That was the only time on that trip that I had no internet connection. I frantically tried and tried. I needed him to hold me over that phone. 

I was a needle in the haystack. I felt so little in the whole big world. So little. So little that maybe God couldn't find me. I was on the other side of the world, for pete's sake.  And I doubted God. I doubted God's plan as I looked at those precious children that wasn't being loved or cared for. What was fair about that precious little boy that was dropped off that day?  It's not fair that the parents most likely couldn't afford the medical conditions... And they had to make a decision that will haunt them for the rest of their lives?  Why, I screamed?

I remember well, when I gave up and curled in a ball in that bed and cried out to God. 

God was enough that night. 

God was there... Even when everything else is gone. 
He is here now too. He can still be enough. I just have to curl in. 

A page out of Lies Women Believe book...

"Christ is all I need, all that I need". It's one thing to sing it in church but when we walk out of church into the tough and tumble of life... Do we really believe it?  

We wouldn't want to breathe the words out loud that 'God isn't really enough' but sometimes the way we live reveals that's what we believe. 

When it comes down to it, we don't believe God's word is real enough to deal with our problems. Oh yeah, it deals with everyone else's problems but it doesn't speak to my issues, my needs, my relationships, my situations. I need God's Word AND these 8 books; I need God's Word plus tapes and conferences and counsellors. 
Sure, I need God. But I need Him plus close friends; I need Him plus good health; I need Him plus a good husband; I need Him plus children; I need Him plus a job that pays enough; I need Him plus a house with a microwave, a washer/dryer, a garage, and a fresh paint job. 

Do we truly believe that God is enough, or we looking to other things or people to fill the empty places of our hearts-- food, shopping, friends, hobbies, vacations, our jobs, or our family?
The void can only be truly filled by one thing... Jesus! 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Our Adoption Announcement and update letter

Hi Family, Friends, and Prayer Warriors

It seems as if a lot of water has gone over the dam since I last wrote a letter.  Our dream from many moons ago of adopting a precious little girl from China has finally happened.  God decided it was time.  People telling us that God’s timing is perfect while you are waiting seemed wrong in so many ways. But now looking back, we see how God worked in our lives during those months and years preparing our hearts for Josie.  We just had to wait till God found us OUR daughter.  We are in awe every single day how blessed we are to be chosen to be her parents. 
So you may have figured it by now, that this is all about Josie.  Yes, we have become those annoying parents that just can’t stop talking about our child.

We received her file on Dec 23, but China didn’t approve us officially until Jan 23.  After all the paperwork and legal stuff was finished, we finally got to meet our perfect beautiful daughter for the first time on Mother’s Day, May 10.  Mother’s Day wasn’t all warm and gushy as one may expect, as the grieving hit her hard.  We struggled, fumbled, and grieved as we watched the most heartbreaking moments of our lives as she lost everything that she ever had known. 
Four months later….I’m not sure where to start with the difference.  Only God.  Oh the sheer joy that she finds in every little thing.  She is changing every little thing about us too. 
She screamed, grieving, at night, she now goes right to sleep and mostly sleeps through the night (crossing fingers now that I said that).  She threw everything that she didn’t want, she now rarely throws.  She didn’t know to hold her hands up to be held; now she is pretty much always asking “hold me”.  She hated being read to, but now Dr Seuss’ books are her favorite and she carries them around begging us to read.  She would throw a fit if we tried to relax with her on any flat surface, now she loves to “snuggle” (although normally taking people’s eyes out).  She didn’t prefer her mom but now if she can’t be held or helping or watching me, she is wrapped around my ankles, literally (disclaimer.. this is at home, unless dad is home).  She liked dad, but now she loves loves him and it is her highlight of the day when he comes in the door.  She would only eat noodles, but now, mostly everything.. but noodles, grapes, Lucky Charms, and jello are still at the top of the list.  She wasn’t into hugs and kisses, but she will not be left out on a dad’s home hug now.  She HATED with capital letters to be buckled into anything, now, she wants to be buckled in even the shopping cart.  And don’t forget it.  

We forget sometimes that only a few months ago, she knew no English.  She is learning so fast.  She recognizes her ABC’s minus 3J.  Although she just told Gary last week that U was for “you come down” (Zacchaeus song) when it used to be “umb wa wa”(umbrella).  Oh, ok, then.  We aren’t traveling too fast in the number department but we may get there… next year.  Her counting method today was 1,2,5,7 and then she complimented herself, lol.. “big ga” and “good ga” (girl).  Really…

She loves people, I’m not sure if she has ever met a stranger.  Oh, unless you are about her age and have to share toys, then she will struggle with liking you and will often respond with a loud NO.  We are in the threes, people.   Tonight she asked, “company?  No, no company tonight.  She said, “naughty, fight, Tyrone”.  Ha, apparently she remembers well.  

About a month ago, she had just eaten fruit snacks and cereal for being good and then promptly ate a lunch of leftover steak and mashed potatoes, grapes, and oranges.  Large amounts (I was worried about her getting sick, belly bulging). Then she asked for more grapes.  Me, being the sweet Mama (lol, who am I kidding), said No. “Candy”?  Still No.  “Burger”?  No.  “Cheerios”?  No.  “Oranges (insert J throwing her head back and laughing)”?  No.  “Coffee (insert J giggling)”?  Triple NO.
She stole our hearts long ago and is already busy twisting our arms. 

 She has taken to the pool like a fish.  She loves to wear her googles and do jumps, rolls, and anything else she can think of.  She begs for her life jacket to be taking off so she can go under and explore.  She knows G is for googoo googles, at least according to Dr Seuss’ ABC book.  She has an unmatched desire to see everything.  If we visit, your every closed door is not safe, although we try to contain her.  She needs to see in every drawer and behind every door.  You see, it’s a brand spanking new wide open world to explore. 

We love to find similarities with her. She loves the pool and music like her Mama and never misses a chance to dance.  She loves to eat fish and hates to get her “mingers” (fingers) dirty J just like Baba (dad in Chinese) and likes to dress up with her fire coat to be like him. 

Every day, we think of the blessings of being able to teach her about Jesus.  Our hearts melts just a little more, each time that she begs for “God is great” before meals or just randomly during the day and when she calls out names in the middle of our prayers.  

May you have a blessed fall and remember to be beyond thankful this Thanksgiving.  We are blessed in so many ways.  May your Christmas be filled with joy.  We can be forgiven and have joy because of Christ.  May your New Year be filled with awe as God speaks to us through all the little things of life.  We need not to fear the unknown future because we can trust in the One who made it all.
Love to you, Gary & Paula & Josie

Monday, September 21, 2015

Our words

My heart was crumbling under words that were not spoken well. No, they weren't meant to hurt but they did anyways. My soul wanted to lash out. 

But how does God do it every single time that I open up my devotional that it fits perfectly for the struggle?

A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger. Proverbs 15:1

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Proverbs 25:11

The influence of God filled words is inestimable. May we beg God daily for good words, because unfit words are not acceptable. 

May the words of our mouths and the mediation of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer! Psalm 19:14

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Not another

It's getting harder and harder to be real. I have people tell me they read my blog and I think "oh, poo, please no, no, no, not another".  I started this blog as a dumping spot for my strangeness. Hence why my name was Jamie on the blog.  I just wanted to write but didn't want it read.  But then it turned into a adoption journal of sorts and then my people turned into prayer warriors.  You are my people. My prayer warriors. But I still just can't for the life of me figure out why you want to read it. 
I look at the views, and it makes me want to come to a screeching halt.  Lock it all away. Inside. I don't want people to know me as a mess. I want to try to fake it. Pretend that I have it all together. Pretend that I rock being a mom, wife, and friend. 

But then.....
..Someone tells me that I'm not alone, that they have emotions like mine. That they struggle too. 
..Someone's eyes tear up because they understand that parenting is the hardest thing we will ever do. 
..Someone realizes with me that we are too small to do parenting without Christ.
..Someone thanks me for being real, because it's rare. 

And I'm praying for...
Someone to be called to adoption by God. And that I can be by their side to whole entire way. 

You may see the struggling in my little ridiculous life, but that's just my selfish will being molded slowly by God. But what I pray you will see is that Josie is priceless. Beyond words priceless!  Those REAL smiles and giggles make our world go around. I pray you see that adoption is just as a amazing miracle as birth. In my opinion, a larger miracle.  And I pray that God will call more families to adoption. 

Oh ok then, back to my realness..
I forgot to feed my child breakfast one day this week. How does this happen?   I was trying to help others, got out of my routine and then in the chaos, I forgot.  No wonder she was flighty, even more than normal. I asked my friend.. Don't kids tell you when they are hungry?  Apparently, they don't at a young age, they just get cranky. 
I cried, what kind of mother forgets to feed their child. Seriously. So later we stopped and got fries. Yes, I was trying to make her forget that she has a dud of a mom. 

Parenting in my OWN house is just way easier than being away. I can look away from her more than two seconds and be ok with it. The larger the amount of people, the larger the oversimulation. She reminds me of a drunken dragonfly that has no pattern of flight, but on super high speed. Just darting here and then there. 
But at home... It's really not like that. You can read her a entire book while holding her. Or occasionally, I said occasionally, I will find her sitting quietly on the couch. Or she is wrapped around my leg.  And she listens to me. These things NEVER happen when people are around.
I tried to donate some time this morning for a fundraising yardsale and I'm not sure if I was any help AT ALL. I left early and to tell you the truth a little depressed. It's JUST so hard.  To try to help and keep your dragonfly in sight.  It's going to get better right?  Or do you learn to just chill out after awhile and let her fly aimlessly in any direction and be ok with it? Comments that were not directed at you at all...but you end up taking them to heart because your heart is so bruised from your own self rated failure. Do you learn to stop that to?  

Parenting is a 100% of every minute job. If they are things to touch, doors to open, kids to grab from, and air to breathe then... I might as well not figure on getting anything else done ;). 

May God give us patience more abundantly than we can imagine this week. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

First night away

So camping this weekend was the first nights away since China. 
She seemed excited about sleeping in the tent and talked about going bye byes all week. 
She also wanted to take all of her toys along. It almost seemed like she was afraid that we were not coming back. 
She would say Mommy and Baba bye byes. And then say in a questioning voice, Josie bye byes? 

I was reminded of her fear and crying when we were packing up in China to move to a city and then packing up to come home. Sometimes I wish that she could tell us the memories and emotions, but we just have to imagine and try to be more understanding if she has meltdowns more quickly. 

We had a better than expected weekend, but it's time to go home. Most people wouldn't pick up the changes but they are there. 
She doesn't want Mama to hold her. She stopped asking to use the restroom and had too many accidents. She is higher than high energy. It was a fight to get her to eat.  And she started this weekend to tell me a flat out NO. Nicccccce. 

She did sleep for basically 9 hrs both nights even with a nasty runny cold in cold weather in a tent with lots of noise around us. What a blessing. It is such a change from the screaming we used to have. One time I checked on her and she had all 3 blankets over her head, so I took them off her head and laid them over her. She immediately stirred and pulled them over her head again. I wonder if she is used to sleeping in the cold? 

G had so much fun introducing her to the little rides at Knoebels :). She loved the rides even though her little heart just pounded. And immediately begged for more. She got introduced to cotton candy, funnel cake, caramel apples, and mountain pies. 

I was groaning about Josie's back slide of actions on the way home. But it was as a light switch turned back on when we walked through the door... She couldn't get done kissing, hugging, and being held by us.  She ran through the house yelling, "yeah yeah yeah"!! "Baba home, mommy home, Josie home". 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Little things

Does anyone else notice...

That every time you go to put on bed sheets, I,100% of the time, will start putting the short end on the long end

That every time you sit down on the toilet, your child acts as if they are in a life threatening situation

That grocery shopping is almost heavenly without your toddler 

That good parenting goes out the window when they can't sleep at night and then neither can you. Here is a box of markers .. Graffiti the walls, eat them, I don't care, just stop CRYING...please. See you in the morning. 

But do you also notice those little things that God shows Himself?

That night that you sneak in to look at your sleeping child and whisper extra prayers over her, that God gives you extra good night. 

That awe I feel everytime I go swimming with Josie.. And she acts like a duck with her head in the water..and does barrel rolls and begs for her goggles.  That love of swimming was a direct answer to my prayers.  And sometimes it's easy to think God doesn't care about little things. He does! 

That day that you just can't go on, trying to do too many things and sooo much more work to go, then God speaks love into your heart with a box sent in the mail from a old friend. My eyes tears up in how others allow God to work through their lives to bless and lift up others. I want to be like that. 

That devotions WAS exactly what your heart needed....In awe again how God knows what my heart needs now.  

That cotton candy drink that your dearest brings in the door that just made the entire day ok. I want to be a better wife, I want to deserve that love and cotton candy drink.  But the thing is, we will always be so imperfect. We can only strive to be more like Christ!  

That moment when you just to bang your head from trying to get your daughter to count from 1-5 or even 1-3..but she will continue to count .. 1, 2, 5, 2, 5, 3. But then she goes and learns most of the alphabet. Unbelievable how God says.. This isn't about what you want, I have better things. 

Her newest phrases are "read Dr Seuss" "I do it", and "good morning". 
We have 70% good nights and the going to bed struggle is WAY better. 
She begs every single hour to "read mommy". 

We are even trying camping this weekend. I'm exhausted and the first night isn't over yet. 

People will continue to say "what a amazing thing you have done by adopting. 
No thank you, there is nothing amazing what WE have done. Not a thing. Not a single thing. I fail every single day. I thank God that God doesn't look at yesterday and the failures but when we ask forgiveness... Then it's cleared. Start over, people. 

But what God HAS done. It is mind blowing. We just can't imagine life without her. We can't get over how beautiful she is. 
How strong.
How she throws her little arms around our necks and holds on tight. 
And loves even through our faults. 

Only GOD. Only Him. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Soul beauty

My soul aches to have the beauty so deep that it pours out...

And that we can see pass the outside of our bodies and see the purest beauty from within. 

That's my prayer for you and me. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What you doing?

My friend texted me and asked "you ok, you have been quiet this week". 

This is me trying to have devotions..

This is us eating watermelon...

This is me hanging out wash for the first time in 10 maybe more years...

This is me eating her cereal after she fell asleep~~ hey, I didn't have lunch...

This is her sleeping against me for only the second time in 3 months...

This is what three months can do...

This is sharing a coke...

This is us drinking coffee together...

I want to share the joys this week... We may struggle but it's also beautiful. 

This is what we strive to be...

May God just reach down and pick you straight up. Strength those weak arms. May you see light in the darkness of the tunnel. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Boot Camp

I used to sign up for boot camp classes from 6-7 in the morning. I miss them. I miss it. Loved loved. Yes, it was a love hate relationship. All I focused on was staying alive. 
But I have no money for such ridiculous things. Especially when there is free bootcamp. 

Namely a little daughter that terrified of the lawn mower that she needs held. 

Hmm, so I pack her up when I mow the lawn. That would be a push mower, btw. All 27 pounds that somehow feel like 100 million. And she is happy as a lark. And sleepy. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Being perfect... Not happening

This is raw honestly here... Please go away if you are perfect. Because I don't like you. I have tried to be transparent. But it's hard. Hard to admit out loud. 

Miss J is a joy. A treasure. Priceless.  We love each other 96% of the time. But....

The other 4% of my day..... I struggle. Please tell me that you all struggle just a tiny tiny bit during the day. Anyone?!? Please!! 

The struggle of motherhood is real and in a way I feel all alone. I feel like I can't tell you the truth.. That you will see me as a crazy lady. This IS what I've dreamed for for years and now I'm stumbling.  
I have no idea who I am. 
My tastes have changed. I have no energy. In fact, some things that I would have a LARGE opinion about, well I don't care. Most days I'd rather be alone.  Who is this person? 
My world has changed. My coworkers that made me feel normal in the past, well .... I don't have them any more. They know the imperfections of me. They wouldn't expect anything else.  
It just doesn't feel the same to talk to my husband or any my other friends. Pray that I would be able to open up face to face. 

Good mothers are always put together. Right?  Perfect right?  I feel as if I'm not allow to break. Not allowed to have off moments. 
I need to be perfect like the other moms with their hair all nice and multitasking and with a smile on their face and a gentle voice all while being a encouraging and uplifting wife, mom, and friend. 

Well, I suck. I'm a terrible all the above. Maybe social media makes me realize this even more. I just don't have it all together like the rest. 
Sometimes I feel like I can barely guide my own feet. I can barely return text messages. I don't want to be alone, yet don't want to be with people. I don't want to exercise but I feel unhealthy. I want time away, but yet don't want to be left out from the family. I don't want to be  second place. I don't know what I want to eat other than pizza and sugar.  I mean, sugar straight up. 
Brown sugar. My mouth is slobbering just thinking about it. Especially the hard clumps. And my brown sugar doesn't have any because I have a brown sugar bear. Pthhhh. I need more.
And I'm frumpy. I feel larger than ever, crazy hair, snot on my shoulder, dark circles under my eyes,  and unshaven legs.  My one friend told me that is NOT how I look, but that doesn't take away the feeling. Yup, the word frumpy sums it all up. 

In the past, I have been called bipolar and needing to be put on antidepressant meds. Yup. Of course they didn't tell me that to my face. I have never ever felt like that but... Who knows, I suppose. Just imagine what they are going to say now?!?  

I had a short but sweet God sent conversation on Sunday with a friend. I had to go home and cry. I badly needed some one to tell me that I'm ok. And God say ok.. "Here she is. She's going to tell you that you are ok." 

Do you know anyone that worked and was married for years and then turned into a stay at home mom with a 3 year old?  Please tell me her name.  I need her. 

I read somewhere that it only takes 30 days to start a new routine. Then WHY is it taking so long. We are coming up on 3 months. :) 

I'm guessing it takes 15 million years to erase bad habits. Like selfishness. I see my heart. I see that all of the struggles falls back to the sin of selfishness. 
I didn't realize or recognize it before I became a mother. I AM selfish and momhood is about giving up everything. It's not about me anymore. 

Even though these moments are short, I think of them so often. Think of my short comings. I continually pray that God can me become a better mom. A less selfish mom. 

Perfect ... Never
But more of a God filled mom. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

God simply asks us to say YES

I read this today and cried. I think she and I would be best friends. 

"The truth is we fail. We are inadequate. Thankfully, God simply asks us to say yes. In His glorious way, He can work with you and me. Even when we doubt. Even when we want to run away from His grand adventure called adoption and back toward our comfort zones."

"God sent me a powerful message in China. I fail, He doesn’t. I’m small, He’s big. He doesn’t need me to be strong, together and brave to adopt, survive gotcha day or get this parenting gig right. I simply give Him my trust and obedience, and He uses it."

"Adoption is an unfathomable gift, a “rock your world” kind of blessing that will likely drive you to your knees at one point or another, and probably again and again."

Follow me, I will lead

Somewhere in the last week, I realized, that I have a new best friend. She follows me everywhere I go, she repeats everything I say, she listens, she brings me tissues when I cry, she hates me, she loves me, she eats with me, she prays with me, she swims with me, walks with me, cooks, cleans, does laundry, and  goes to the bathroom with me. EVERY MOMENT. 
And most days... We love it. Occasionally we don't, and then we cry. And then we get over it. 

I'm learning to love staying at home. It's just less policing to do. I know that's terrible, I need her around kids to teach sharing and no fighting or bossing but....

While at the cardiologist yesterday, I just felt in awe of God... That this precious girl is mine. Totally mine. My daughter. She is so perfect. We don't deserve to be so blessed. But we are.  
She did so well. She just listened and did exactly what they told her too. She begged for more "stickers" after the first test and even after pulling those test strips off. 
She doesn't have any heart defects, Praise God. 

She begs to swim every day and the pool water has been so warm, I can't say no. She is sticking her face in the water with goggles and without. She lovvvves it. I put on 50sunblock and she is still get tan lines. Beautiful glow. 

I remember someone telling me that you don't know true unconditional love until you have kids... And I thought Pthhh. 
All I thought was if a kid tried to give a big bear hug was ahh, where have their hands been? Sticky, clammy. 
But I'm finding they were right...
when it's your own kid... There is nothing like it when they wrap their arms tight around your neck and kiss you and not want to let go. 

We spent three days in potty training with big girl pants and three accidents later... I think she's got it. I'm still not brave enough to wear pants all the time, but she always begs for "big girls". 

She is always asking "Mama sit" or "Josie look". Or telling me "I'll be right back". She has a unmatched desire to SEE EVERYTHING. She wants to see beyond every closed door in every house and every store. She wants to see in everything, over everything, and under everything. Sometimes it just so annoying but I have to remember that there is just so much to see after you get out of a orphanage. 

Every morning she says "daddy work" followed by "daddy fire". 
She hears a siren she says "fire truck, ambulance". 
This morning I was rolling with laugher, she was trying to learn eyebrows and eyelashes. She was touching hers and then mine. She went to see G's eyebrows and her eyes got big and said bye bye.  
She continues to make us snort every day. All day. Most days. Lol. 
She insists to be included in our daddy's home kiss. She will not be left out. 

I counted up the words that I could remember that she says and she is up to 2 1/2 words a day since 2 1/2 months ago. Now, you probably won't understand a lot of those :), She's got a heavy accent. 

I asked Baba what he would add to the blog..he says "she is just soooo much fun. She repeats everything and imitates so much. She gives so much love and accepts it back."  
I see someone that would run through the fire for her :). 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Where is it?

My conversations are just words repeated back to me all day....I shrug my shoulders in exasperation and go ahhhh.  And then those actions are repeated back.  I wonder if I beat my head against the wall if that would be copied too? 

Our conversation about J wanted a clip in her hair...

Me. You can't have another clip in your hair because I gave you one this morning and you kept pulling it out and throwing it.
J. Throwing
Me. Yes, you pulled it out.
J. Out
Me. Do you know where you put it?
J. Put it
Me. Where is it?
J. it
Me. Can you find it?
J. Find it
Me. Yes, if you find it, we can put it in your hair.
J. Hair
Me.  (Shrugs shoulders and sighs)
J.  (Shrugs shoulders and sighs)
Me.  (walks away)
J. (runs to me)
J. Josie get it
J. I get it.
J. (runs to basement)
J. (comes back in 2 mins)
J. I got it. (grinning from ear to ear)(clip in hand)

Me. (has a massive headache)(amazed that 5 hrs later she still knows where it is)(exasperated that she has that good of memory but can't count from 1-5 and I have repeated them until blue in the face)
Me. (understands what my brain seems like pudding/jello by the end of a day)

I need adults.  Ones that are ok with silence.  Ones that are ok with a sloth like movement.