My heart goes out to the people and the rioting in Ferguson. It seems like it is a war of whites and blacks. I HATE IT. I can't really change it or make it stop.
But it got me thinking about my life and the human race and the changes I can make in my life and my community.
I have always dreamed of having a interracial family because I feel like its a reflecting of God's family. I am VERY aware of adoption and racism comments that were commented to me that are plain heart bleeding. I wonder if the people saying them has ANY idea that they are hurtful. But I wonder if I have ever said anything that could have been hurtful to someone other than Caucasian, without intending it. If I have, I'm am sorry!
I was listening to a podcast this morning and it made me think.
1. Regardless of what race you are, there are two sides. Both can be wrong, both can be rude, both can be unchristian. Still with that said, We are called to love. We need to feel compassion on both sides.
2. God's Kingdom trumps everything. To be a Child of God, we need to put our differences away. In God's Church, all races are there. We are all brothers and sisters in the Lord. I'm sorry that I'm pasty white and opinionated and very flawed but I'm still your sister, and because of that, regardless of what skin shade you are, I need to feel compassion and I love YOU.
3. Forgiveness. God calls me/us to go and forgiveness even if it was something done against me/us. It doesn't matter if that wrong doer doesn't want forgiveness. We are commanded by God to forgive.
4. Racism. I often wonder how "Christians" can be racist. Because our Lord's Son most likely wasn't white because He was from the Middle East. I don't care what your great great grandparents thought or felt. We need healed from the sin of the past. My heart aches at the injustice of the past and present. (If you need a book to read, read Uncle Tom's Cabin, so MUCH sin and injustice). We, as Christians, need to rise above the past. The Bible is very clear that ALL people are valued. All people are God's creation. All are called to be His son's and daughters. All can be saved through Jesus' blood.
Love to you.....
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