Friday, October 3, 2014

Momma love

So I go over to help my mom and somehow I end up with a bag of goodies to come home with. 
It seems like this happens ever time I visit. 

But today was a extra special gift. You see, my mom knows I really really don't like crust. I would rather just skip the pie. I know they are delicious, but nah, I hate that bottom. And my mom does make the best crust but nope. 
So she sometimes when she makes the filling and she makes the excuse that it's a ity bity too much to fit in the crust, she makes me this tiny little pie. 

Just for me. 
It melts my heart. 

Because you know, it's mom's job to make us eat stuff that's good for you. Like spinach or yogurt or liver even if you would rather not.  
But then, boom, this sweet treat. And it ain't good for you. At ALL. 

I share most stuff with G. But not this. Don't judge me. Or roll your eyes. Just don't. 
It's ground cherry pie. I can't help it. 

I ate half of it and hid the rest in the fruit department of the frig.  He doesn't like fruit. He won't get in there. And I covered it up with one of those produce bags. 

Mom also give me pumpkin whoopie pies, apples and soap. I'll share that. I'm not completely selfish. 

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