Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Everyone has some type of rain in their lives.  We're one great, big, beautiful, soggy mess -- and God loves us all! 

Rain can cause pain, hurt, and hate.. and it often is taken out on unexpecting people.. when someone lashs out about a simple thing like how their glasses can't be repaired even after they ran over them with a car.. or whatever the rain... I try to remember that I have no idea the battles that they are facing.. or how their rain makes them feel like they are drowning.  They just need someone to care, someone to love!

Give unconditional love! 

"I love you" means something very special and very concrete. It means that I surround you with the feeling that allows you-- perhaps even requires you -- to be everything you really are as a human being at that moment. When my love is fullest, you are most fully you. You may be good, or bad, or both; tender or angry, or both; but you are you, which is the very most I could ever ask or expect. And so I experience you in all your beauty and all your ugliness. But you, not what I expect, or want, or what you feel you should be, or were fashioned to be, but really you.

One of my coworkers told me that I'm just like her but I don't say what I feel like she does.  No, I refuse to feel and say what she does.... I choose to Love, not because it's easy, but because Jesus chose to love my unlovely self and I want to PASS it on! 

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