Thursday, November 30, 2017

He smiled upon the cheeseburger

I was fine this morning doing laundry and hanging with Mom and then slam pile, a migraine is full on. The kind that if you roll your eyes to look at something, it just shoots pain. My dear friend was just telling me how she had just learned that our brain has a protective membrane around it and that it is proven that unhealthy eating will destroy it over time. Studies are showing the effects of this and they are including ADHD, Autism, and a long list of medical conditions as symptoms. 
When I have migraines, I’m nearly convinced that I have something terrible a wrong with me and that’s going to make my head explode. Now I can blame it on too many HoHo’s and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. 

I was on the way home and was so in so much pain that my eyes wanted to shut and it was 1:30. I thought I need to take meds and need food and my brain membrane is apparently already shot. So what did I do, rolled right into McDonald’s for a dollar plus cheeseburger. 
As I flopped on the wonderfully soft couch, closing my eyes for a tiny bit of relief, and with one hand holding my head and the other stuffing my mouth... I thought “ Jesus is pleased with this hamburger 🍔!”  God knows this has been a rough lonely week, and he cares. And he can use a junky old hamburger to show it. 

Friday, September 15, 2017

Day of Leisure

Such a beautiful day... I dropped off Josie and two others at school. And drove to Winchester and I literally shopped the entire store of Gabe's and felt every piece of clothing and took my time. No one to rush me or hide from me or tease me or drive me nutso. It was blissful. Then to the dermatologist... which I could have done without but they froze three warts that I'm sick of. Gary warned me that it hurt but I was unprepared that it was going to hurt sooo bad for 1/2 hr. Like stabbing and on fire 🔥 pain.  
Then my dear husband met me for lunch.. oh it's been sooo long. I forgotten what dates are like. I have forgotten how to smile across the table. It makes me choke up at the specialness. We been through a whole heap in the last years. I almost forget those precious carefree days. We had a whole hour of chatting until he had to go back to work. He works so hard... I know most people don't look at his job as "hard work " but I'm telling you, most people couldn't do his job. And he rocks it.  And I'm so proud of him, so proud. But most of that pride comes from his character. Such a God fearing honest man. Hard to come by, I tell you. 

I still had a little time before I needed to head back for school pick up so I headed to Sharp Shopper and then to Food Maxx (international food store), my favorite store ever. 

I literally want to give hugs to all the shelf stockers, the cashiers, and to everyone in the seaweed aisle. Yes, I said seaweed. Josie loves it so it makes me feel like we are all family 🤓. Yes I'm weird but I love being surrounded with all kinds of nationalities of people and hey, even American people that are branching out pass pizza and fries!

It was such a treat of a day. The peacefulness may have crashed to a screeching halt when I got a note from the teacher of a certain little girl that just happened to kick a child and push another one all in the same recess.  Oh. Back to earth. Back to earth. 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


If you want to see true forgiveness... ask your 4 yr old. It made me think of how God forgives me. 

I used words that I should not have used and had to apologize to Josie. I, while crying, told her that I was sorry and that I do try to be a good mom even though I fail ssooo bad. She wrapped her arms around me so tight and covering my face with kisses and said, "but mom you are still a good mom" "I forgive you and love you" "it's ok, you can stop crying". 

And just like that... she loves me and forgives even though I'm a mess. 

God does that too, but sometimes I think we down inside forget that God truly forgets our sins. Washed them again. We are white again. He isn't going to hold them against us. Our record had been cleared.  Praise God!  Let's start a brand new clean slate day because of His Grace. 

Friday, March 31, 2017

Weight on your shoulders

I just keep picturing this...

A mom dragging her toddler kicking and fighting into a building that they were going to inject a poison into the child to kill them. Or pull their arms, legs, and head off until they die. 
Because she, the mom has a life to live. The child is just too big of a burden.. too messy, too expensive. 
Everyone in that town knows that the mom is going to kill the child but NO one does a thing. They just watch. It's her choice they say. They may even hold her arm and help her in. 

Or what if it's a mom with her teenager?  "I'm done with you, I will tear you to pieces and sell your body parts and make money. 

You say... that's not true, that's murder, that's illegal. We would do something. We would call the police or child services. Yes, we would. We would throw our bodies down and fight for the child, the teenager. We would fight!!

The mom walks into the clinic and the child is fighting, kicking in the is ok to tear their body apart piece by piece or inject them with a poison to make them die. It's legal. It's the mom's choice. So we just stand by and watch. 

What will you do??

Friday, February 10, 2017

To China and Back

It was a hard trip. That's the short and long of it. It was so different than what I dreamed because instead of hugging the kiddos I was in the kitchen chopping, and peeling. I know God had placed me right where I was but it was hard to accept. I was running on 4-6 hrs of sleep a night which emotionally I was overwhelmed too. But God was there. His presence was real. 

Every time I get to go to China it's a dream come true. I just want to keep my eyes open and drink in every detail of my daughters land and culture. Even the "gross".  I looked out my 16th floor hotel window every morning and thought out there somewhere on this side of the world is her biological mom. The mom that chose life. I will never stop being thankful for her mom. 

The children tug on my heart strings. They are being taken care of well, their nannys love them!!  But they still need families. They need to be able to be cuddled and snuggled at night when they are afraid. They need long bath times to splash and be silly. They need a mama to work through their shell to see their true beauty that's hiding. One evening a little girl threw herself into a stiff board and screamed at bedtime. I cried because it was a throwback of Josie. And I see how changed Josie is and how much healing has happened and I want to see it in every one of these precious kids. But I also see the good. I nearly got wet eyes every time that a child held their arms in the air to be held. They know the love of being lifted and squeezed. Josie didn't do that.. she didn't know. Seeing love being poured into these children is priceless. They are truly being the father to the fatherless.  It is run all on donations and if you have a little extra to share... they need it.

Josie make a list of things she wanted to do while I was gone and it was long :). Sky Zone, ice skating, bowling, buy a fish, go to the mall, play play doh, and on and on. She truly loves her Baba and they had a party. Thankfully I was able to FaceTime them every day. 

I am so thankful for Nola, Sonya, Janette, and Gary. I was worried about Josie while I was gone but apparently there was no need :). In fact I think Josie is annoyed that I'm home. She has said countless times.. "I'm boring" aka for I'm bored. Brat level has leveled up 14 notches. Sheesh.  Next week I plan on cocooning in for a few days. I need a large portion of love and anger management and she needs a portion of respect. 

I am reminded again in how amazing my husband is. He literally had the time of his life taking care of Josie and loving on her.  My friend said early morning Gary always arrived smiling. Yup, that's him. Please Lord help him rub off on me!!  They have always had a special bond but now it seems even closer. I came up from showering last night and he had her pjed, teeth brushed, and hair combed. He is all hands on deck dad. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

She is a serious but a funny one

Today she told me that her China mom ate lots of mashed potatoes when she was in her tummy. I asked why?  She said "is it just what you eat when you have a baby in your tummy. It's for the baby."

G was telling about his health at work visit and casually mentioned that he might have to pee in a cup. Josie looked up and said, whatttttttt?  It was so funny to explain that and after so many questions... she says "that's weird". Yes. I agree. 

She has been introduced to broken families and it probably comes up every day.. "why mommy goes away and don't come back",  "I hate that momma", "that momma have to come back", and "where that mommy live"? 

"Can you bring home a baby from China for me to play with?"

Also introduced to death. After what seemed like hours of explaining she still whispered at the casket "wake up". "I tried to wake him up, mom" "why he not wake up". She almost always remembers to pray for the family every night. "Help her not to cry about missing her daddy. But crying is good when you are sad."