Monday, March 7, 2016

Celebrating 15 years

Mr G took us to Florida for the week. If you would have asked me a year ago if I would take my 3yr old along on our anniversary trip, I would have told you that you lost your mind. But we agreed, she had never seen the ocean that we know of, and just couldn't deny her of that. 
I will say that I never appreciated alone relaxing time with my husband in the past as much as I should have. You can in no way use the word relaxing to describe this week but it is worth it all to see the joy in her eyes of all the water and sand. She LOVES it!!  
Even when her lips are basically blue, she still doesn't want to go in. She wants to go from the pool to the ocean to the play set to the bathtub and repeat. Repeat. She informed us this morning... "I sad". "I no want to go home". 

I was actually dreading the traveling with her but she has done so much better than I expected. The airplane ride was a thrill to her and when seeing airplanes in the sky..says "Josie go too".  
She has NO fear of water and wants to go deeper into the water. She needs to learn how to swim sooner than later for safety reasons. She begs to take off her arm bands but demands to have her face mask on so she can have her head under water more than above. 
The joy of first time things are always so fun.. Even the laundry mat or getting a snack out of the vending machine, or ordering fries by the pool is sheer delight!  
Even sleeping has been good overall. Even with being on 1st floor and it is VERY noisy some nights. Mama has been very happy about this. I'll take 10:30 to 8.
I wondered how the sand would go. But I'm here to tell her... She doesn't even mind if she gets it in her eyes or mouth or hair. If she gets it in her mouth, she just chews on it. And my body shakes uncontrollably with the sound of it. 

She cracks us up so often. I painted her toes and she wanted to paint Baba's. I told her that boys don't do that. She looked at him and said with a serious face, "maybe sometime when you are a girl, you can". I was trying to get her to go to the bathroom before getting on the plane.. She said "I go poo out window". Oh my word. Hilarious. 
I just can't believe some of the conversations that we are explaining at age 3. 

Her lip is pretty much healed and this week all the stitches came out. We are to massage it three times a day for 30 seconds each time and she doesn't fight it. Although she still uses the excuses... Like here eat your carrots...she will look so sweetly at me and say "mom, No, it will bump lip". You can use this for aaaannnnyything you want to get out of doing. 

Two things I like about home.. I have a door on my bedroom. And I like the smell of my house. Oh ok, more than two. I love my not Mt. Everest pillow. I like being able to touch anything in my bathroom and still feel clean. I like my soap dispenser. Seriously. Best thing ever. It's worth the money. I liked that I could boil some eggs. I missed eggs. Can't believe I said that. Because I get soooo tired of fixing eggs for little miss, her first choice for breakfast. Did I mention that she has her own bedroom?  
And I was tired of sand. 

She explores everything. Especially in new surroundings. Like in the pool, the vents, or in the rooms, every nob or even texture differences in walls, or what every individual people is doing, or any thing driving by, or any sound. I have heard a million times a million times this week why or what's that. It may be a tad exhausting. But she's learning. A lot.

Hopefully we can have many more years together. Marriage is not always easy. And I have figured out that having children makes it even harder. But it's always worth it. Fight for it. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your heart and soul, so gorgeously colorful, and real!! You are so strong and beautiful and I praise God for you, for us!!
