One out of every three women has had a abortion. Actually it's WORSE than we think it is. Seventy percent of abortions come from churched people. The fear of the sin of sex is greater than the murder. It makes my heart break!
I went Thursday morning for the first time. I was there from 9-10 but didn't meet any of the woman or workers because they often will switch their hours around a little because of us sidewalk warriors as they must have this morning. But I learned a little more of what happens and still stayed and prayed for the evil to be exposed.
"If the church is not present, then we are saying what's going on here is acceptable." "We need to be a outward sign to the workers, clients, and community that murder is wrong."
We are not here only for the tiny tiny babies. We are here for the doctors, the clinic workers, the mothers, and the fathers too. Each life has the same value as the other. And we ALL need Jesus.
The beautiful part of this story is that God extends us forgiveness. We need to reach for it, and accept it. We are all sinners and deserve hell, but God has a redeeming plan! It's just so beautiful.
After Thursday and being there looking up at the building and windows, and knowing the death, I felt so overwhelmed by the evil. I didn't want to go back. Ever. It would be so easy to run. Following God is not always easy and certainly not popular.
They say if you fall off your house, you need to hurry up and get back on. In other words, face your fears.
So I headed back on Saturday morning. (This office has abortions on Thursday and Saturday.). And I took my army. Gary, little miss J, and my friend H that was visiting for the weekend and met more friends on the sidewalk. And then another friend driving by, saw us and stopped and brought coffee and stayed and prayed too. I praise God for others joining me and boldly asking God to touch these precious lives.
Satan has blinded their eyes and hearts to the murder. But God has the power to open their eyes to the evil and redeem them. Redeem them just like me.
My friend agreed with me that we need training to effectively speak hope and Jesus into their lives. And then boom, she made it happen and it's going to be this Thursday and then the following Thursday. So excited that God is raising up warriors.
I would love for you to join me in prayer. Message/text me, come with me! Be a warrior. Please.
I praise God that my daughter's birth mom chose life. When I'm out on that sidewalk, I feel in awe of how God protected her life. And that makes me want to fight for those precious babies. They are not just a clump of cells... They are little tiny babies just like my daughter.