Sunday, May 8, 2022

Gratefulness and Grief

Mother’s Day is a tangle of emotions. So grateful for Josie but right along beside that, too tangled in to separate, is the grief of missing Zuri. 
This quote ripped itself off the page and bled into my heart. It means that someone understands that even through the tears of pain that it doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate the joy of my daughter here by my side. Pain and joy can coexist.  

“I used to try and wrestle myself
out from under this great pain.
And I just came to terms with
the fact that I am a woman who
carries grief. I am a woman who
has absorbed immense sorrow,
that will always be woven into
me. I have memories that will
never not hurt.

I don't have to paint myself a
different color. Happiness isn't
holier than grief. God has
created space for both. We can
be both. We can be all of it.”