But I get tears every time I think back on those moments.
I was in China with a team that I had met just 3 days before. We visited a orphanage that day that you could see the neglect in the children. It was just too emotional for me to handle. I held my tears back that day while I was with the children. But I broke as soon as I sat in the bus to head back to our hotel.
Totally broke.
I need my person. Yes, the team was great and they prayed with me. They could remember their first time. They remembered the shock, the anger, the helplessness, and the love that flowed through your veins all at the same. But still I needed my person. Gary.
That was the only time on that trip that I had no internet connection. I frantically tried and tried. I needed him to hold me over that phone.
I was a needle in the haystack. I felt so little in the whole big world. So little. So little that maybe God couldn't find me. I was on the other side of the world, for pete's sake. And I doubted God. I doubted God's plan as I looked at those precious children that wasn't being loved or cared for. What was fair about that precious little boy that was dropped off that day? It's not fair that the parents most likely couldn't afford the medical conditions... And they had to make a decision that will haunt them for the rest of their lives? Why, I screamed?
I remember well, when I gave up and curled in a ball in that bed and cried out to God.
God was enough that night.
God was there... Even when everything else is gone.
He is here now too. He can still be enough. I just have to curl in.
A page out of Lies Women Believe book...
"Christ is all I need, all that I need". It's one thing to sing it in church but when we walk out of church into the tough and tumble of life... Do we really believe it?
We wouldn't want to breathe the words out loud that 'God isn't really enough' but sometimes the way we live reveals that's what we believe.
When it comes down to it, we don't believe God's word is real enough to deal with our problems. Oh yeah, it deals with everyone else's problems but it doesn't speak to my issues, my needs, my relationships, my situations. I need God's Word AND these 8 books; I need God's Word plus tapes and conferences and counsellors.
Sure, I need God. But I need Him plus close friends; I need Him plus good health; I need Him plus a good husband; I need Him plus children; I need Him plus a job that pays enough; I need Him plus a house with a microwave, a washer/dryer, a garage, and a fresh paint job.
Do we truly believe that God is enough, or we looking to other things or people to fill the empty places of our hearts-- food, shopping, friends, hobbies, vacations, our jobs, or our family?
The void can only be truly filled by one thing... Jesus!