She seemed excited about sleeping in the tent and talked about going bye byes all week.
She also wanted to take all of her toys along. It almost seemed like she was afraid that we were not coming back.
She would say Mommy and Baba bye byes. And then say in a questioning voice, Josie bye byes?
I was reminded of her fear and crying when we were packing up in China to move to a city and then packing up to come home. Sometimes I wish that she could tell us the memories and emotions, but we just have to imagine and try to be more understanding if she has meltdowns more quickly.
We had a better than expected weekend, but it's time to go home. Most people wouldn't pick up the changes but they are there.
She doesn't want Mama to hold her. She stopped asking to use the restroom and had too many accidents. She is higher than high energy. It was a fight to get her to eat. And she started this weekend to tell me a flat out NO. Nicccccce.
She did sleep for basically 9 hrs both nights even with a nasty runny cold in cold weather in a tent with lots of noise around us. What a blessing. It is such a change from the screaming we used to have. One time I checked on her and she had all 3 blankets over her head, so I took them off her head and laid them over her. She immediately stirred and pulled them over her head again. I wonder if she is used to sleeping in the cold?
G had so much fun introducing her to the little rides at Knoebels :). She loved the rides even though her little heart just pounded. And immediately begged for more. She got introduced to cotton candy, funnel cake, caramel apples, and mountain pies.
I was groaning about Josie's back slide of actions on the way home. But it was as a light switch turned back on when we walked through the door... She couldn't get done kissing, hugging, and being held by us. She ran through the house yelling, "yeah yeah yeah"!! "Baba home, mommy home, Josie home".