Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Lift My Life Up

You brought me this far, So why would I question You now?
You have provided, So why would I start to doubt?

I repeat, I repeat to myself.
This is a God  trip.  He is guiding. 

I just had a hr and half conference call.  I couldn't ask question due to a bad connection which was very frustrating.  I feel scared!  But I kinda know what we will be doing now.  Before the unknown scared me, now I wish it was still unknown.  Now I feel like a fish out of water. 
I would consider myself a social person.  But throw me in a new culture not knowing ANYONE..... for a week and surrounded with serious accents. 

Basically we are accessing the kids and doing exams on them.  I am to record what the doc finds in the computer.  Each child is assigned a number and this is our coding for later.  These files are used to find families for each child.  Our team will see about hundred kids within the week.  We have each one for about a hr (the doc and I have 20 mins). 
We want to see each child adopted but our main goal is to love on the children (show them God's love).

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Divine Appointment

I believe this China trip is a Divine appointment.  God canceled the other one, so that I would get to go to this one.  There is someone or something that I need to meet or see.  I'm positive. 

I'm praying for emotional calmness.  I'm very afraid that I'm going to be a emotional mess.
I'm told that a mess is a given, but  that I need to hold it together until I get back to my room (say some prayers for me? please!).

I was asking/telling Gary that, why do I feel like this is God's leading, why is this trip so special?   I should look at very day as "a God moment", "a God appointment".  I head to work just as excited, that God has something special for me today. 

I aimed high today... Started the day with lots of prayer.  Today was going to be a GREAT day.  blah.  Why do those days turn, I was short in patience, had to apologize.

Our Great God has a wonderful character, forgiveness.  He allows me to start over again. Thank God.  As I drove home, I decided I needed a restart.  (ps, I really dislike cooking).  So somewhere in my crazy mind, I headed to the grocery store, so I could cook something for my dearest husband.

Two hrs later, I realized that I actually just enjoyed cooking (happens like never).  Did someone say God moment?

I was lost, I was falling apart
But You came along and hit the RESTART.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I just got my flight and hotel confirmation!!  It's really happening!  I'm really going to China.  I did have to do a victory dance.  Yup, I did. 

G is trying to help me through the visa process.  I don't like the paperwork.  Period!  I was so confused so, I handed the instruction paperwork to G to look at and then left for a half an hr.  As soon as I came back, he said "this is NO walk in the park!"  lol. 
Sometimes I wonder how in the world, I got through all the dossier stuff.  I'm not very good at branching out.  But one paper at a time.  Jesus will get me through. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Being Me

I tried to cover my shine
I've tried staying in the lines

You want me to take my light
Fit it in your box right

But this is who I am
I won't hide it

God made us all different. He doesn't expect us to be like the next guy or to stay inside the lines of another's ideal shape. If He did...
He would have build unisex robots. All with same skin tone, same eye color, same nose shape, same height, same dreams, and same beliefs. We would all sleep in the same position, get hungry at the same time, sweat the same, laugh the same, cry at the exact same time, and all die the same way. 

It would be like looking in a mirror, all the time.  I'm bored just thinking about it. So bored I could die, or wait I'm not allowed to yet, we must all die together.
No, No
No, God made. Us. Unique.  God made us all colors. A gorgeous rainbow. We will have some beautiful characteristics the same if we follow Christ. We may look like "crayons". 
Some will be bright, some dull, but ALL unique. 

Don't apologize for it. 
Be YOU tiful!